Would you like to support us? There are lots of ways you can.

  • Were you a member of RCYT and it made a big impact on you?

  • Are/were your children involved in RCYT and you know the influence it has/had on them?

  • Did you come to see an RCYT Production that really impressed you?

Young people’s creativity is at the heart of what we do.

Young people’s creativity is at the heart of what we do. To maintain Roscommon County Youth Theatres quality work, we are asking for your support.

Your donation will be used to ensure we can continue to further develop the creativity, confidence and talent of young people throughout County Roscommon.

Become a Youth Theatre Sponsor

By becoming a sponsor, you will supplement the funding received from Roscommon County Council Arts Office and The Arts Council and help us to create more opportunities for our members.

Become a Youth Theatre Friend

By becoming a friend, you will supplement the funding received from Roscommon County Council Arts Office and The Arts Council.

Become a Youth Theatre Ambassador

  • Can you help drive the vision of Roscommon County Youth Theatre and provide strategic leadership to the organisation?

  • Can you attend performances and special events produced by RCYT?

  • Can you promote the organisation’s work through your networks and positively represent the organisation?

Become a Youth Theatre Volunteer

This voluntary position that provides excellent experience and a chance to contribute your skills and perspective to make a real difference in how RCYT serves the local community.

We always welcome volunteers for a range of activities. You will get hands on experience in many aspects of youth theatre life from behind the scenes, practicalities on running and managing a youth theatre, what being involved in a production entails as well as working on production and marketing elements of shows and day to day events.

Would you like to find out more?

To chat more about the role(s) and to discuss how your skills and experience might benefit RCYT, please contact Catherine on 086 874 7024 or email roscommoncoyt@gmail.com