Hear your Voice

2021 / RCYT

Hear Your Voice 2021 by Roscommon County Youth Theatre, as part of Cruinniú na NÓg. A series of short films based around reflection and wonder with a perspective on the past and future.

  • Dear Me by Misha Fitzgibbon (performed by Ruth Cunningham) 0:20

  • Trust me, I’m an Expert Adult by Claire Raftery (performed by Ríona Bonner) 6:45

  • Letter to Past Self by Molly Mew (performed by Donata Roberto) 9:52

  • Have you ever… by Donata Roberto (performed by Holly Connaghton) 13:37

  • Dear Younger Self by Bláithín O’Rourke (performed by Annie Gallagher) 15:27

  • Dear me, myself and I by Ruth Cunningham (performed by Alison Porter) 18:41

  • Are you out there? by Ben Breen Martin (performed by Lucy Hone) 21:51

  • Dear grown up me by Holly Connaghton (performed by Aliya Hone) 24:04

  • It’s Not Your Time by Ruadhan Mew (performed by Ben Breen Martin) 26:03
